A Strangely Stormy Day

This morning began windy. Despite this, my kids went outside to play and ride their bikes.

Then it rained, which turned into a green sky and a major thunderstorm. We watched it out the window as we ate lunch.

Then it hailed. The severe weather halted briefly as Ken headed out with our daughter to a basketball tournament. 

Then it dumped snow. I took the rest of our kids to our oldest son's indoor soccer tournament. The snow fell just enough to leave a dusting over everything. After the tournament, we saw evidence that the wind hadn't halted. Iced snow had painted itself onto only the driver's side of the van. Both the teams we rooted for lost today. 

At the end of the day, the snow stopped. The light bathed a beautiful pink highlight over everything and created an incredible, brilliant orange sunset. A beautiful close to our strange day.

Sometimes in life we get every storm thrown at us all at once. And we lose everything. But breaks happen in storms. Adventure can be experienced. And there is light after the storm.


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